In children with ASD, the effect of therapeutic approaches based on a scientific discipline that specializes in behavior analysis has been proven for many years. Based on the description of the behavior, it mainly evaluates its function. That is, it evaluates the purpose for which the patient/client chooses to engage in a particular behavioral strategy: whether for reasons of escape, attention-grabbing, or self-stimulation. On this basis, the analyst is looking for a way not to reinforce unwanted behavior, but rather to achieve its extinction.
We use ABA procedures in individual therapy, in clinical speech therapy approaches, but also in group work.
ABA procedures are mainly used by therapists working directly with the child. For children who have well-practiced skills, we focus on generalization to other environments, especially school and family. However, we are aware that ABA approaches can be difficult for primary caregivers, i.e. usually parents, in certain situations (siblings, employment, and normal operation of the mother at home). Therefore, in such cases, we more often recommend successful communication approaches from the VTI methodology - video training of positive interactions or the TEACCH program. These procedures are individualized with regard to the child's level and the family's situation.
ABA methods work very well in preschools and schools, we fully support their implementation and see it as very necessary for children with ASD.
We use data collection according to ABA recommendations, their evaluation and, subsequently, the planning of teapies.