Autism Therapy Centre

We are looking for a unique key to the child and his family

1. Family

We work with the entire family system as a part of the therapeutic process. 

2. Child

We help parents to become experts in understanding and working with their own child. 

3. Results

We do not "repair" children ourselves. We achieve results in cooperation with the family.

Welcome to the C)T)A), one of the leading centers for therapeutic work with children with ASD.

What do we offer?

At C)T)A) we provide EARLY INTERVENTION O.T.A. as part of the Social Activation Service both for families of children diagnosed with ASD and for families of toddlers at risk of developing a neurodevelopmental disorder. 

We present to you STORIES of children and their families with whom we had the opportunity to work. The stories of families with a similar fate help to gain hope for possible improvement and give courage to work. 

At C)T)A) we organize EDUCATIONAL EVENTS for ASD experts, but also for parents of children and others interested in ASD issues. You can find currently prepared events (in Czech) here. 

Are you interested in our therapies?

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